Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hopeful justice

If someone takes from you, repay this act not with revenge or acts of retrieval; rather repay it by giving more to them.  Or give something to another person. In this way, you have righted the wrong.  You will not right the wrong done to you, but you have balanced the forces of good and bad in the universe.


  1. A good philosophy that we all need to learn to do. It is hard to do, but this is definately a step towards world peace

    1. I agree Taryn, that it is a step towards peace. I also agree that it is hard to do because it is counter-intuitive, or more relevantly, counter to social norms, even legal norms, which operate under a 'tit-for-tat' approach. I forget who wrote that if we all follow 'an eye for an eye' form of justice, eventually we'll all be blind. My philosophy simply says that two wrongs don't make a right and seeks to correct a wrong by doing a right. This is a form of justice, I call it hopeful justice, hopeful that this form of justice will bring harmony among all people and it is hopeful because with this philosophy eventually we all see.
